There are many couples who have reached a point where they know they need a divorce. They want to be fair with each other, and that their divorce can be uncontested. They want to avoid spending a lot of money on lawyers, but they also want some professional guidance to finalize their agreement and to prepare all the paperwork needed to get an uncontested divorce judgment.
IF you want to work together to make your divorce as painless as possible, with the aussurance that your paperwork and judgment are professionally prepared, and that your case will go smoothly in court, you may want to call us for an appointment. You will BOTH meet with us to see if mediation is right for you. The first meeting is no obligation, no fee. If you decide to proceed with mediation, we charge a reasonable flat fee to have mediation conferences with the two of you, and to prepare all documents you will need to get through the court process to get a final judgment.
When the couples reach an agreement, they go to court once for a brief hearing, and get an uncontested divorce using a judgment that we have prepared.
At Gray & Palmer, our attorneys offer trusted, reliable help for divorce and other types of family law matters. Contact us today for a free, 30-minute consultation.
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Bangor, ME 04401
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