The attorneys of Gray & Palmer offer protection for elderly citizens who may need strong representation in the areas of housing, employment, health care, insurance, and more. Attorneys C. Peter Bos and William N. Palmer offer experience and an element of protection for our elders in the Bangor, Maine regional area. Do not let others take advantage of your home, property, or peace of mind!
When you are looking for top advice related to various legal issues on nursing home care, elder abuse, life or health insurance, estate issues, or other types of estate-related issues, give us a call first. Gray & Palmer offers the personal attention many of our clients enjoy. As a two-attorney firm, we can provide the experience you need, close to home, to ensure your rights are protected.
Attorneys Bos and Palmer offer a wealth of expertise you can use when your elder loved one needs it most. If they are experiencing a housing or care issue that requires a legal remedy, we may be able to help bring a satisfactory settlement. If you are concerned about caring for an elder family member and would like to review a particular legal or care situation that affects them, contact Gray & Palmer for a free initial consultation.
Whether you are seeking knowledgeable advice on legal issues on setting up your estate, such as how to structure your will or other wishes, or are a family member seeking advice related to probate, we can help. If a family member has passed away without a wil, the experienced attorneys at Gray & Palmer offer sound advice on how to handle matters properly. You may be caught off-guard by a loved one who has died without a will, so do not let important actions and decisions about their estate slip by. Attorneys Bos and Palmer can help you and your family with probate matters in Maine.
The knowledgeable attorneys of Gray & Palmer serve to protect the rights of the elderly, and offer the legal advice on estate and probate matters throughout the Bangor, Maine region. Contact us today for a free, 30-minute consultation.
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6 State Street, Suite 407
Bangor, ME 04401
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