Even in the smoothest divorce situation, child custody, support and visitation can remain sticky subjects for many couples to negotiate. Gray & Palmer attorneys understand there are often many practical reasons for parents to want things to go a certain way, which can be at odds with the level of fairness or protection as defined by the law. In situations where there is a history of violence or abuse, it can be even more critical to have an attorney’s representation in working out the details of a child custody, child support, or visitation agreement.
Child custody for parents to determine includes both the legal and physical custody of any minor children. Family pets may also be included in custody agreements. Both parents retain legal custody in most divorce cases. However, physical custody is often worked out through negotiated visitation schedules. Visitation agreements in contested divorce situations may need to include scheduling at neutral pick up and drop off centers, to avoid confrontation.
Parental visitation can be some of the most difficult and emotional aspects of a separation and divorce matter. Each parent may feel they will provide the ideal location or physical support; however, there are often practical things to consider along with issues of fairness when working on a visitation schedule. For families where there is a history of violence, abuse, or other restrictions, safe family exchanges may be an agreeable solution.
Gray & Palmer works with clients who have custody and visitation schedules that may be unique. Our experienced attorneys thrive on finding creative solutions to some of the most difficult schedules, with a careful eye on both parental rights and the safety of the children. If you have a unique visitation to propose, be sure to talk with one of our attorneys to see if it might be the practical approach you need.
Support for minor children is based on the income of both parents, and takes into consideration the division of physical custody and associated expenses. Working with one of our caring Gray & Palmer attorneys can help you better define reasonable support expectations. Basic child support guidelines can be determined using an online table, which bases the basic payments on the parents’ joint income.
Gray & Palmer can help parents who have ex-spouses who have outstanding or “overdue” support payments. In Maine, there is a process for collecting past-due support payments through the Department of Health and Human Services. Consult with one of our attorneys today about the process and ensure that your children get the overdue support payments they need.
At Gray & Palmer, our attorneys offer trusted, reliable help for child custody, support, and visitation negotiations under Maine’s family law statutes. Contact us today for a free, 30-minute consultation At Gray & Palmer, our attorneys offer trusted, reliable help for adoption, guardianship, paternity, and more under Maine’s family law statutes. Contact us today for a free, 30-minute consultation.
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