Congratulations on deciding to adopt a child into your family! Now that you have made this important choice, trust the law office of Gray & Palmer to make your family complete through the adoption process. Whether you seek to adopt someone in your current family, seek to either establish or enforce paternity, or desire to remove a child from the foster system, our attorneys can help with the advice and paperwork needed to satisfy the court.
Maine’s laws state that adoptive or biological parents of a child are the natural guardians of their child. Natural guardians are responsible for care, custody, services, earnings, and control of the child until they reach the age of 18. Instances of adoption may take place when parents voluntarily surrender their guardianship rights to either the state or direct assignment to another adult, or most often because of a lengthy serious illness or death.
Perhaps you have a family member who, due to age or disability, requires a special guardian-type arrangement, either now or for some time in the future. The expertise of our attorneys with family law can help you set forth the type of guardianship needed for your loved one. Whether you need to establish a guardianship now or desire to work out one for some time in the future, such as in the event of your own passing, rely on Gray & Palmer attorneys for our family law expertise.
The state’s Office of Aging and Disability Services provides information and oversight for adult guardianship and conservatorship in Maine. An information booklet is available online. The attorneys at Gray & Palmer are ready to assist clients with guardianship matters. With more than 60 years of experience, clients trust us for strong advice on guardianship matters in Maine.
Our attorneys are also available to assist clients who have questions related to paternity matters. This may include the issue of genetic testing to determine paternity. In addition, once paternity is established, there may be important questions on paternal rights or other arrangements that may need to be negotiated.
At Gray & Palmer, our attorneys offer trusted, reliable help for adoption, guardianship, paternity, and more under Maine’s family law statutes. Contact us today for a free, 30-minute consultation.
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Bangor, ME 04401
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