6 State Street, Suite 407, Bangor, ME 04401

Effective & Trusted Advice on OUI & Drug Offenses

When You Need Legal Advice on OUI Charges

Trust the experienced defense attorneys at Gray & Palmer when you need legal advice related to OUI charges. When you are charged with OUI, even a first offense carries significant penalty. Our attorneys can help review your individual situation and offer effective legal advice for whatever OUI charge you face:

  • “Per Se” BAC Limit: 0.08 Percent
  • Enhanced Penalty (Aggravated) BAC Limit: 0.15 Percent
  • Zero Tolerance (Underage) BAC Limit: 0.00 Percent
  • Implied Consent to Submit to BAC Test?: Yes

License Suspensions for First, Second & Third Offenses

Motor vehicle operators in Maine face the following license suspensions if found guilty of operating under the influence:

  • First Offense: 150-Day Suspension
  • Second Offense: 3 Years
  • Third Offense: 6 Years

Defend Your Rights Against Additional Criminal Penalties

The attorneys from Gray & Palmer can also help by providing defense against some of these additional criminal penalties that may be imposed with an OUI conviction:

  • ADDITIONAL MANDATORY ALCOHOL EDUCATION & TREATMENT: Operators who are charged and found guilty of OUI in Maine face mandatory alcohol education and treatment. These types of substance abuse classes can provide insight for people who may often be in denial that they have a problem with drinking. Education also teaches how operating a vehicle in an impaired state can put other lives at risk.
  • SUPPLEMENTAL OUI PENALTIES – CONFISCATION & LOCK DEVICES: There may be additional penalties imposed by the court, depending on your conviction history. Your vehicle may be confiscated entirely. Drivers convicted of OUI may be able to petition the court to have their license restored early with the installation of an ignition interlock device (IID). The lock device would require measurable proof before operating that you have not consumed any alcohol. The installation of the device would be required for the remainder of the suspension period, as indicated:

FIRST OFFENSE: After 30 days of the 150-day suspension
SECOND OFFENSE: After 9 months of the 3-year suspension
THIRD OFFENSE: After 3 years of the 6-year suspension
FOURTH OR SUBSEQUENT OFFENSE: After 4 years of the 8-year suspension


Drug Offenses are Significant Crimes - Protect Your Rights!

In Maine, Chapter 45 of the criminal code defines the intentional or known possession of a scheduled drug or controlled substance as a crime. These illegal drugs are divided into Schedules W (mostly sedative drugs), X (primarily depressants), Y (sedative and hypnotic drugs, and Z (prescription and non-prescription). Schedule W are considered the most serious and includes amphetamines, methamphetamines, barbiturates, LSD, cocaine, and derivatives of cocaine, heroin, and other opiates such as oxycodone and various hallucinogenic drugs. Possessing residual substances, hypodermic needles, or other such paraphernalia can be considered a violation of the law.

Charged with Trafficking Scheduled or Counterfeit Drugs?

Individuals may be charged with trafficking scheduled or counterfeit drugs designated as felony or misdemeanor level crimes. Depending on the type and amount of the drug, if found guilty, a client may face a combination of jail time, fines, and probation. The attorneys of Gray & Palmer will review your drug offense charge and will offer a strong defense to keep the penalties to a minimum and protect your rights.

At Gray & Palmer, our effective and trusted attorneys offer strong defense for OUI and drug-related offenses throughout the Bangor, Maine region. Contact us today for a free, 30-minute consultation.


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