6 State Street, Suite 407, Bangor, ME 04401

Care & Commitment

for every client

Since 1983

The Strength You Need to Fight for Your Rights

The Best in Bangor for Legal Matters

Residents in the Bangor, Maine vicinity who are looking for a strong attorney for help with legal matters need look no further than Gray & Palmer. With more than 60 years of combined experience, attorneys C. Peter Bos and William N. Palmer provide each client and every case with the strength you need to fight for your rights.

Bangor-Area Office
A Full Range of Legal Services

At Gray & Palmer, our office in Bangor offers a full range of legal services to meet the needs of individuals, families, small businesses, employees, and employers:

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Protect Your Freedom Against Criminal Charges

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Protect Your Freedom Against Criminal Charges

Criminal Law is one area that does carry significant fines and penalties for such things as operating under the influence (OUI), drug offenses, felonies and misdemeanors that affect your life for years afterward. Protect your freedom against criminal charges by contacting Gray & Palmer right away to schedule your free initial consultation.

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Resolve Legal Disputes Without Compromising Your Rights

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Resolve Legal Disputes Without Compromising Your Rights

There are areas of the law where it is often best to avoid a lengthy trial. Settlements are often reached between parties outside of the courtroom without compromising your rights. It does take an experienced attorney from Gray & Palmer to prepare the filings and negotiate settlements on your behalf in Family Law, for such matters as Divorce and Spousal Support, Adoption, Child Custody, Support and Visitation.

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Bankruptcy – Get the Debt Relief You Need

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Bankruptcy – Get the Debt Relief You Need

When debt becomes an overbearing and stressful burden, Bankruptcy Law does allow individuals and companies to file under Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. To discuss your debt relief concerns, do not delay; contact Gray & Palmer. Our attorneys will review your personal or business debt situation to see what kind of relief plan may be best for your particular circumstances. We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.

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Gray & Palmer Fights for the Rights of Injured People

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Gray & Palmer Fights for the Rights of Injured People

When you or a loved one has been injured in any type of auto, motorcycle, or truck accident, hurt on the job, or has had their life impacted by medical malpractice, the attorneys of Gray & Palmer are here to help. We fight hard for the rights of injured people or families whose loved one was wrongfully killed in accidents. Our attorneys can advise you of your rights under any negotiated settlements with insurance companies. Consult with us on your personal injury matter today!

**For personal injury cases only, there is no fee unless you win!

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The Best Service on Real Estate & Property Agreements

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The Best Service on Real Estate & Property Agreements

At the very root of our practice is Real Estate Law. Clients can call on our expert help for everything from agreements of sale, title transfers, deed or lease review and preparation, property easement agreements, and more. Protect your real property with help from Gray & Palmer.

Navigating the Essentials of Wills and
Probate Law

Navigating the Essentials of Wills and Probate Law

Gray & Palmer provides clear guidance on creating wills and managing probate matters. Ensure your estate is protected and distributed according to your wishes. Our team simplifies the process, helping you make informed decisions about assets, guardianships, and trusts. Secure your family’s future with effective legal planning today.

Contact the Best in Bangor
Gray & Palmer

Our service area includes the state of Maine. However, our firm does most of our work in an area covering five counties in Mid-Maine and Downeast Maine. We regularly visit the courts located in:

We invite you to contact Gray & Palmer today at (207) 945-5502 to review your legal matter and take advantage of our free initial consultation.
**Initial contact does not establish an attorney-client relationship. Our attorney must formally agree to represent you.

Gray & Palmer – The Strength You Need – (207) 945-5502


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